Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Nappy chatter

Little did I realise the fascination that bowel movements would hold for me at this stage of my life.

Posh leather handbags, yes; manicures and pedicures, of course; the perennial appeal of Top Shop, oh yes, but poo?

This has particularly come to light in the last couple of weeks as my daughter has begun to discover the joys of her first fruit purees.

Iris' change in routine has now become a regular topic of conversation between my husband and me, particularly as we cuddle her writhing little self at night as her tummy tries to work out what on earth butternut squash is doing in amongst her regular tipple of breastmilk.

However I think I may have taken this mutual interest a step too far. Upon the arrival of a particularly challenging movement this morning, I felt compelled to share the news with hubby. Not fair, after all, for him to miss out through being at work!

Snapping off my marigolds, I rushed to the phone.

"Helloooo, it's me. So, the poo arrived! My god it was everywhere, I've had to strip the room and wipe down everything, you should have seen it..."

Keen not to miss out any details, I only noticed the silence on the other end once I'd finished.

"Er, are you still there? where are you?"

"Actually I'm just about to buy my lunch"

"Oh, sorry. Well, just don't go for any sticky looking dahl, ha ha. have?"

Poor hubby - I forgot that life in my new mum bubble isn't always as scintillating to those in the real world as it is to me.

Thank goodness for the other new mums I'm about to meet up with - nothing like a good chat about bodily fluids over tea and a cupcake!


Motheratlarge said...

Oh how true! Husband and I have similarly scatological conversations. And it's not just about poo - somehow nothing's off limits anymore after childbirth and caring for a newborn! I've had conversations about all things gynae with women I hardly know. In some ways it's liberating - but my old pre-pregnancy self is blushing with embarrassment.

Pig in the Kitchen said...

I'm right on board when it comes to interest in poo...fascinating what WON'T digest, sweetcorn, lentils, tomato skins. And if you feed her banana, the little worm-like bits in the nappy aren't worms, but bits of the banana that apparently turn into worm-like bits on the way thru the digestive tract. Watch out for my next publication, 'Pig and the Marvels of Poo' (Just a working title, I'll try to make it snappier)
It's never good to get poo on your fingers tho is it? Clever move, the Marigolds.

Elsie Button said...

ha ha. totally with you on this! i might even go as far as to say that i have rather an unhealthy obsession about baby poo - it seems to become our life doesn't it. (well, perhaps i should just speak for myself!)

btw: i've given you an award - go over to my blog and check it out!

New Mum in Town said...

Hi MaL, yes having iris has opened up a whole new chapter of physiological honesty between my husband and me (although I still shudder a bit to think about what he must have witnessed down the other end 6 months ago!)

Hi Pig, yes heard about the wormy banana - still to discover the indigestibles! Oh and the marigolds were for the post-poo wash-up, but knowing what I'm in for I may keep them close to hand for the messier episodes!

And Elsie, thanks so much for the lovely award - I feel better now knowing I belong to a much wider poo club rather than just being a solitary poo-gazer.


Potty Mummy said...

Be careful on the banana front though - what no-one tells you is that it can give them constipation and man, is it nasty for them at that age. When Boy #1 tried banana for the first time he had no poo for around a week; we ended up using prune juice, cycling his legs and all sorts of involved activity (which I won't disgust you with). I remember my husband saying in a wondering tone of voice (as the situation resolved itself at last) 'I've never seen anyone poo before'.

And I have?

New Mum in Town said...

hello Potty Mummy - good point, that may have been why she's been writhing around so much, although it will no doubt take a while for her system to get used to food generally.

And considering how much men seem to like their own poo it's amazing what a fuss they can make about someone else's - sort of 'man poo' instead of 'man flu'!

(sorry to any men that might read that and feel insulted, unfair of me I'm sure!).

Iota said...

Just think of the fun that awaits you when potty training comes round. You can involve Iris in all this fascination. And there's nothing so fascinating to a toddler as bowel movements.

You will have those glorious moments when, in a crowded ladies, you are sharing a cubicle with her, and she starts up very audible conversations along the lines of "is it poo or wee, Mummy? is it diarrhoea or normal poo, Mummy? is it a big poo or a little poo, Mummy?" You then have to wait for AGES, so that anyone who overheard the conversation will be long gone when you emerge from the cubicle.

Motherhood. It's a joy.

New Mum in Town said...

Hi Iota - haha, oh no, I forgot about the joys of toddler talk! I'll enjoy the burbling that bit more now...